I just want to say how ashamed I am after 48yrs on this earth & Ive finally taken upon myself to educate myself in the True Relegion of Islam. My English/ Scottish heritage only taught me Christian beliefs, & my eye opener was & IS THE SIMPLE FACT THAT THE TRUE BOOK. THE HOLY QUARAN HAS NOT ONLY THE EXACT STORY TOLD BY THE old & new TESTAMENT- Which been revised twice! ( Meaning to me that Humanity needed to change GODS OWN WORDS, just SO DISBELIEVERS WOULD LISTEN & OBEY. ) The True WORD OF GOD SPOKEN THROUGH THE PROPHET MUHAMMAD DIDNT NEED CHANGING OR RE-WRITTING AS TO ME IT IS EASILY UNDERSTOOD WHAT “ALLAH” WANTS US TO BE, & HOW TO CONDUCT OUR LIVES. The HOLY QUARAN HAS NOT BEEN TOUCHED OR CHANGED BY MORTAL MEN , it ONLY SPEAKS THE TRUE WORD OF ALLAH, THERE IS NO GOD BUT ALLAH. ALLAH THE MERCIFUL, ALLAH THE FORGIVING, ALLAH THE WISE.

The Silent Epidemic Taking Over the Internet Generation
With the advancement of technology, the internet, and social media, is society experiencing a different type of social injustice? In this episode of our podcast,